Air Balloon in NatureAir Balloon in Nature


Let's change the world together!


Large image of MaribelLarge image of Maribel

What I hope to do

My mission as a developer is to contribute to applications that empower and improve lives. I believe that through code we can make the world a better place by building products that empower communities. Yes, let's change the world together!

What I'm doing

I recently shared all of the resources and strategies I used to land many software engineer interviews.

I am helping others as I advance in my career by sharing my experiences and perspectives through writing, speaking, and mentoring.

On my free time, I attend meetups, listen to engineering podcasts, read tech blogs, and take online courses to help me become a better developer for the people around me.

When I'm not coding, you can find me

Running IconRunning|Hiking IconHiking|Meditating IconMeditating|Reading IconReading|Traveling IconTraveling|Attending Music Festivals with BAE IconAttending Music Festivals with BAE


Languages and Frameworks: Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, React, Bootstrap, Node, Express, MongoDB, Rails, Postgres, Jest
IDE: Microsoft VS Code
VCS: Git/Github
PMS: Trello
Debugger: Chrome DevTools


Currently: GraphQL, Typescript, Accessibility
On the radar: Web Performance

Hacking on

1) Contributing fulltime to NerdWallet. We're on a mission to provide clarity for all of life’s financial decisions.
2) Making this website more accessible.
3) Brainstorming a new technical blog post to write.


Screenshot of Project


EmpowerHerSF focuses on providing Human Trafficking awareness and funding to local SF women shelters. The website matches you with local shelters that need items that you have available to donate.

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Tic Tac Toe

A user can play a game of Tic Tac Toe with the computer and choose whether they want to play as X or O. The game will reset as soon as it's over. Built using: Javascript, jQuery, HTML, CSS3, and Bootstrap.

Screenshot of Project

Pomodoro Timer

A countdown clock that switches between a Session Timer and Break Timer. The length of the timers are customizable and can be reset. Built using: Javascript, Jquery, HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap.

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Javascript Calculator

A fully functional calculator that can chain mathematical operations together. Built using Javascript, jQuery, HTML5, and CSS3.

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Simon Game

A browser based version of the 1980s classNameic Simon Game. Built using Javascript, jQuery, HTML5, and CSS3.

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Twitch Streamers

Shows whether a Twitch streamer is online, offline, or no longer active. Uses the JSON API to get twitch streamers information. Built using Vanilla JS, HTML, and CSS3

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Wikipedia Viewer

Allows a user to search and view Wikipedia articles.Uses Wikpedia's API to retrieve the articles. Built using Vanilla JS, HTML, and CSS3.

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Local Weather App

Shows the weather of the user's current location in both Fahrenheit and Celcius. Uses HTML5 Geolocation API to get the user's location and Dark Sky API for the weather conditions. Built using Javascript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS, and Bootstrap.

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Inspirational Quotes Generator

Provides random inspirational quotes using Forismatic API. The user can share the quotes on Facebook and Twitter. Built using Javascript, JQuery, HTML, CSS3, and Bootstrap.

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File Metadata Microservice

This service accepts a single file upload and will return the file size in bytes in the JSON response. Built using Node.js, Express, and Multer.

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URL Shortener Microservice

This service accepts a URL and will return both the original URL and shortened URL in a JSON response. Built using MongoDB, Node.js and Express.

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Request Header Parser Microservice

This service returns your IP address, language, operating system, and browser specs. Built using Node.js and Express.

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Timestamp Microservice

This service accepts a string and returns both the Unix timestamp and the natural language form of that date as a JSON object. Built using Node.js and Express.

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Image Search Abstraction Microservice

This service accepts a search string and will return a set of image results from a Google custom search engine. Built using, MongoDB, Node.js, and Express.

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Ask Me

Students are welcomed to ask me questions about programming, my career, or hobbies. They can submit their questions through the contact form or embedded Padlet board.

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FCC Camper Leaderboard

Shows a list of the FreeCodeCamp campers who've earned the most brownie points in the past 30 days and all timers. Uses the FCC API to get FCC top campers information.